Roofing contractors work in a hazardous environment. Skylights, decks, climbing ladders, erecting perimeter walls, and physical exposure to natural elements all enhance the danger of catastrophic injury. The cost of safety breaches can be high, and it can also harm your company’s reputation if roofing contractors do not use adequate risk management. Residential Roofing contractors in Arlington must take extra care to avoid harm because they are working at such tremendous heights. 

Every year, hundreds of people die because of this, as well as a large number of non-fatal but catastrophic injuries. That is why it is critical to follow the safety guidelines described below. In this blog, we’ll go through the hazards that roofing contractors face and what they can do to avoid them.

Avoid Bad Weather

Rain or snow can make roof shingles slippery, making it difficult to maintain footing and increasing the risk of falling. Strong gusts, in addition to slick surfaces, can enhance the risk of falling off a roof. For contractors, bad weather is not always an option because the task must be completed on time. 

However, avoiding the elements if at all feasible is another essential to safety. When the temperature becomes colder, it becomes even more perilous. On iced-over roofs, slips and falls occur frequently, and there is only so much that can be done when Mother Nature intervenes. Again, use caution and avoid regions with moisture because it can freeze and turn to ice. If possible, avoid those inclement weather circumstances and wait till the situation is more favourable.

A Clean Working Area Is A Safe Working Area

Remind your employees how important it is to have a safe working environment free of risks, clutter, and other unwanted tools and items. Damaged roof components, insecure access points, skylights, and electrical lines are all potentially hazardous objects that could end up in your work section.

Ensure that your employees are working in areas clear of debris, dispersed nails, roof materials, and other hazards that could cause slips and falls, whether on the ground or a roof.

Nail Gun Safety

A pneumatic nail gun is a potentially hazardous item that can quickly turn into a weapon. As a result, when practising roofing safety practices, it should always be handled with utmost caution. Never aim a nail gun at someone else. Make that the safety mechanism is in good working order and that it is never tampered with. 

Pull the trigger only when the nail gun is firmly placed against the material you want to fasten. Do not use a nail gun to shoot nails. Before using your nail gun, make sure it’s clean, inspected, and well-lubricated. To avoid misfires, do not rest a nail gun against your body. Always turn off the air supply when you’ve finished using a nail gun, and never work on it.

Examine Your Insurance Contract

Before starting any project, be sure you have adequate roofing insurance. The residential roofing service provider must insure themselves against damage or loss because of an accident or extreme weather. 

Roofing insurance protects you financially if you are sued for bodily harm or property damage by a client or other third party. Although insurance is not required by law for local residential roofer in Arlington, most property owners would expect you to have one and provide a certificate of insurance.

Wear Appropriate Attire & Footwear

Make sure your clothes are not just comfortable and move with you, but also practical. Closed-toed shoes or soft-soled work boots with a firm grip on the roof surface are recommended. To protect your hands, wear leather work gloves.


Electrical dangers are most common in the construction business, accounting for 52% of all electrical fatalities in the US workplace. Those working on rooftops and near power lines are particularly vulnerable to electrical risks. 

Improper electrical equipment handling can result in significant electrical shock, burns, fires, and even death. To avoid mishaps, conduct frequent electrical safety assessments to identify and manage potential causes of electrocution.

Always Wear A Harness

Believe it or not, there is a variety of equipment designed to safeguard you from injuring yourself when on a roof. After all, that is why the roof safety harness was invented. Simply, a roof harness is designed to safeguard you from falling through the roof. Its use, like that of any other piece of safety equipment, can be avoided due to cost.